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Is polyacrylamide corrosive?

Sep. 28, 2023

Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a versatile polymer with a wide range of applications. In this article, we delve into the properties, uses, and safety considerations of PAM. We explain that while PAM typically does not exhibit corrosiveness, cautious handling is necessary under specific conditions. TAIRAN chemical, a trusted PAM manufacturer, provides high-quality PAM products to meet various application needs.

Properties of PAM:

PAM is a high-molecular-weight compound available in powder, granular, or liquid form. It is generally non-corrosive to common materials such as metals, concrete, and glass under normal conditions. However, its performance can be affected by factors like pH, temperature, and salinity.

Applications of PAM:

PAM finds applications as a water treatment agent, flocculant, and coagulant in various industries. Its effectiveness in removing impurities and enhancing water quality makes it indispensable in wastewater treatment, mining, and the petroleum industry, among others.

Safety Considerations:

While PAM itself is not typically corrosive, it can interact with other chemicals or environmental factors under certain conditions. Factors such as extreme pH levels or the presence of strong oxidants may affect PAM's stability. Therefore, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and exercise caution when using PAM, especially when mixing it with incompatible chemicals.


In conclusion, PAM is a valuable chemical compound with a broad range of applications. It is generally safe to handle but requires attention to specific conditions. Tai Ran Clean Water, as a reputable PAM manufacturer, ensures the production of high-quality PAM products. For all your PAM needs, you can trust us to deliver reliable solutions.

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