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pray Poly Aluminum Chloride: Effective Water Treatment Solution

Aug. 16, 2023

Spray poly aluminum chloride (PAC) has gained traction as a well-established and effective decolorizing agent in the market. This article delves into the two categories of spray PAC, their applications, advantages, and key distinctions from roller PAC.

Spray poly aluminum chloride (PAC), classified as an inorganic high-molecular coagulant, boasts versatile usage by effectively addressing color and impurities across industries. This article aims to elucidate the significance, mechanisms, applications, and distinguishing factors between spray and roller PAC.

Different Types of Spray PAC: 

  1. Porous Spray PAC: This variant is acclaimed for its rapid coagulation and robust decolorizing capabilities, making it an essential player in municipal, industrial, and sewage water treatment. 

  2. Regular Spray PAC: Known for its stability, quick hydrolysis, and consistent enhancement of treated water quality.

  3. Wide Applications:

  4. Drinking Water Treatment: Spray PAC is a reliable choice for purifying drinking water, assuring its safety and quality. 

  5. Industrial Wastewater Treatment: It effectively handles industrial effluents, ensuring improved water quality before discharge.

  6. Municipal Sewage Treatment: Spray PAC plays a pivotal role in treating sewage, contributing to environmental welfare.

Notable Attributes: 

  1. Stability: Spray PAC exhibits steadfast performance throughout the treatment process.

  2. Swift Hydrolysis: Its rapid hydrolysis facilitates efficient coagulation. 

  3. Versatility: Spray PAC adapts effectively to various water compositions and treatment requirements. 

  4. Quick Condensation: The accelerated condensation rate adds to its effectiveness.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: In certain conditions, spray PAC's cost-efficiency surpasses roller PAC.

Differentiation from Roller PAC: 

  1. Production Process: Spray PAC is manufactured through spray drying, whereas roller PAC undergoes natural sedimentation and drum drying.

  2. Appearance: Spray PAC takes on the form of fine powder, while roller PAC is granular.

  3. Flocculation Capacity: Roller PAC may exhibit stronger flocculation due to extended microfiber structure.

  4. Effective Substance Content: Spray PAC's 30% product might not consistently contain 30% Al2O3 due to production constraints.


Spray PAC stands as an innovative and efficient water treatment solution, acclaimed for rapid hydrolysis, enhanced coagulation, and economic viability. Its diverse applications in drinking water, industrial wastewater, and municipal sewage treatment underscore its pivotal role in upholding water quality and ecological well-being.

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