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The application of polyaluminum chloride in the slurry wastewater industry for piling:

Jan. 26, 2024

In the production of polyaluminum chloride, an analysis of factors affecting the unevenness of sludge dehydration moisture content is crucial. In wastewater treatment, sludge dehydration is a critical step, and the effectiveness of sludge dehydration is a key indicator of the overall wastewater treatment process. Technical personnel from polyaluminum chloride manufacturers, with years of experience, have developed their own set of methods.

  1. Low sludge concentration: When the sludge concentration is below 1%, mechanical sewage dewatering is ineffective, and excessive amounts of coagulants are required. If sludge with a concentration below 1% enters a belt filter press, it may leak, preventing effective dewatering. A common solution is to add a sludge thickening tank to concentrate the sludge.

  2. Low coagulation efficiency of sludge: The belt filter press relies heavily on sludge conditioning. If the dosage is insufficient or the conditioning effect is poor, capillary water in the sludge cannot be transformed into free water and removed in the gravity zone. This results in non-flowable sludge in the model zone, making it difficult to press out the sludge. On the other hand, excessive dosing increases costs and may cause belt clogging.

  3. Aging of filter cloth: Aging of the filter cloth leads to a decrease in filtration efficiency.

  4. Insufficient tension of filter belt: Insufficient tension of the filter belt has a certain impact on sludge dehydration. Adjusting the tension appropriately ensures that the upper filter belt tension is greater than the lower filter belt tension, enhancing the mud stripping capacity and improving the sludge dehydration cake rate.

  5. Increase the pressure of filter belt flushing water: Inadequate filter belt flushing may cause clogging, obstructing water filtration, and resulting in higher moisture content in the mud cake.

  6. Adjust the speed of the filter belt: The speed of the filter belt affects sludge dehydration. If the speed is too fast, sludge may run out from both sides of the filter belt, reducing filtration time and increasing the moisture content of the mud cake. Therefore, adjusting the filter belt speed is necessary to extend the filtration time in the gravity dewatering zone.

  7. Selection of flocculant: The choice of flocculant for sludge dehydration, such as polyaluminum chloride, directly influences the dewatering effect.

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