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using polyaluminium coagulants in water treatment

Feb. 21, 2023


Polyaluminum chloride PAC has a wide range of uses. Polyaluminum chloride can remove bacteria, odor, color, fluorine, aluminum, chromium, phenol, oil, turbidity, heavy metal salts and radioactive pollutants. It has a wide range of uses for purifying all kinds of water.



Basic aluminum chloride is a new type of inorganic polymer flocculant, which is a high efficiency, fast and low consumption water treatment agent. In the water, the negative charge carried by the colloidal particles will instantly produce a neutralization effect, making the colloidal particles destabilize, rapidly flocculate, and further bridge to form large floccules for rapid precipitation. Compared with the effective components, the turbidity removal effect is 1. 5% of aluminum sulfate 5~3 times, the flocculation effect of low temperature turbid water and high turbidity water is incomparable with ordinary inorganic coagulants. It is widely used in urban water supply treatment, water reuse treatment, urban domestic sewage treatment, oilfield reinjection water treatment, circulating cooling water treatment, industrial water treatment, and various industrial wastewater treatment such as papermaking, printing and dyeing, leather, ceramics, metallurgy, mining, oil, fluorine-containing, coal washing, etc. The effective dosage of the product is 20-50mg/L. Liquid products can be directly metered and added, while solid products need to be mixed into 10% - 15% solution in the dissolution tank, and then metered and added according to the required concentration. Polyaluminum chloride can also be used in paper sizing, casting molding, pharmaceutical refining, cosmetics manufacturing, catalyst carrier, sludge dewatering, cement rapid setting, cloth wrinkle prevention, sugar liquor, glycerin refining, etc.


1、 Basicity

The alkalinity of polyaluminum chloride is a relatively important indicator in polyaluminum, especially for polyaluminum products of drinking water grade. This standard is one of the important indicators for the production control of polyaluminum production line. The lower the alkalinity is, the higher the price is. Purchasers can operate according to the actual situation of the factory. In addition, the alkalinity of polyaluminum chloride products produced and processed by different raw materials and processes is also different, which needs to be adjusted by the manufacturer. Increasing the basicity of polyaluminium chloride products can greatly improve the economic benefits of production and use. The alkalinity is increased from 65% to 92%, the cost of raw materials can be reduced by 20%, and the use cost can be reduced by 40%.


2、 Characteristics of polyaluminum chloride

  1. The floc has fast formation, good activity and good filtration.

  2. There is no need to add alkaline additives. In case of deliquescence, the effect remains unchanged.

  3. Wide PH value, strong adaptability and wide use.

  4. The treated water has little salt.

  5. It can remove the pollution of heavy metals and radioactive substances to water.

  6. High effective ingredients, convenient for storage and transportation.



3、 Role of PAC

The flocculation effect of polyaluminum chloride is shown as follows:

Strong electric neutralization of colloidal substances in water.

The hydrolysate has excellent bridging adsorption on suspended solids in water.

Selective adsorption of soluble substances.

Polyaluminium chloride is an inorganic polymer coagulant. The characteristics of the inorganic polymer water treatment agent with large molecular weight and high charge produced by the bridging action of hydroxide ions and the polymerization of polyvalent anions are mainly determined by the working principle of the pressure atomizer.

4、 Performance

The purified water quality is better than aluminum sulfate flocculant, and the cost of water purification is 15-30% lower.

The floc forms quickly and settles quickly, which is more powerful than traditional products such as aluminum sulfate.

The alkalinity of the consumed water is lower than that of various inorganic flocculants, so no or less alkalis can be added.

The applicable source water can be condensed in the range of PH5.0-9.0.

Low corrosion, good operating conditions.

The solubility is better than aluminum sulfate.

The salt content in the treated water increases slightly, which is beneficial to ion exchange treatment and high purity water production.

The adaptability to source water temperature is better than inorganic flocculants such as aluminum sulfate.

5、 Purpose

Urban water supply and drainage purification: river water, reservoir water, groundwater.

Industrial water purification.

Urban sewage treatment.

The recovery of useful substances in industrial wastewater and waste residue, the promotion of the sedimentation of pulverized coal in coal washing waste water, and the recovery of starch in the starch manufacturing industry.

Various industrial wastewater treatment: printing and dyeing wastewater, leather wastewater, fluorine-containing wastewater, heavy metal wastewater, oily wastewater, papermaking wastewater, coal washing wastewater, mine wastewater, brewing wastewater, metallurgical wastewater, meat processing wastewater, sewage treatment.

Paper sizing, sugar refining, casting molding, cloth wrinkle prevention, catalyst carrier, pharmaceutical refining cement rapid setting, cosmetics raw materials.


6、 Usage

Dissolve the solid product into liquid with 1:3 water, and dilute it with 10-30 times of water to the required concentration before use. The optimum PH value added is 3.5-5.0. Choosing the optimum PH value can give full play to the maximum benefits of coagulation. The dosage can be determined according to the different turbidity of raw water. Generally, when the turbidity of raw water is 100-500mg/L, the dosage per kiloton is 10-20kg. When the turbidity of raw water is high, the dosage can be appropriately increased, and when the turbidity is low, the dosage can be appropriately reduced.

For use in rural areas, the agent can be put into a water tank, stirred evenly, and left standing. The supernatant can be used, and about 1g of this agent can be added every 50kg. If this agent is combined with the polymer flocculant produced by the company, the effect will be better. Dosing can dissolve the anionic polyacrylamide or cationic polyacrylamide produced by the company together with PAC into a composite flocculant and then use it, or add PAC into the treated water to form a condensate, and then add the anionic polyacrylamide produced by the company to adsorb and bridge into a large flocculation.

7、 Dosage of polyaluminium chloride in different water quality

In low turbidity water, dilute the solid polyaluminum chloride product with tap water in a ratio of 1:3 (weight ratio) and stir until it is completely dissolved.

For domestic and production sewage, about 30g of polyaluminum chloride product shall be added first with reference to each ton of sewage. Then add the diluted polyacrylamide product (if the effect is not obvious, please reduce or increase the product dosage as appropriate.

In the sewage treatment of the paper mill, low turbidity water shall be added in proportion. If the effect is not obvious, it can be added in a reasonable amount.

When the turbidity of raw water is 100-500 mg/L, the dosage is 5-10 mg, that is, 5-10 kg per 1000 tons of water. Before use, it is best to conduct a small test according to the water quality characteristics, select the best value, and then put it into use.

using polyaluminium coagulants in water treatment

8、 Coagulation process

Coagulation stage: it is the process that the liquid medicine is injected into the coagulation tank and the raw water is rapidly coagulated to form fine alum in a very short time. At this time, the water becomes more turbid, which requires that the water flow can produce intense turbulence. In the beaker test, it is advisable to stir quickly (250-300 rpm) for 10-30s, generally not more than 2min.

Flocculation stage: it is the process of alum blossoming and thickening, which requires proper turbulence degree and sufficient residence time (10-15min). In the later stage, a large number of alum blossoming can be observed to gather and sink slowly, forming a clear surface layer. In the beaker test, stir at 150 rpm for about 6 minutes, and then stir at 60 rpm for about 4 minutes until it is suspended.

Settling stage: it is the process of settling the flocs in the settling tank, which requires slow water flow. In order to improve efficiency, inclined tube (plate) settling tank is generally used (air flotation method is preferred to separate the flocs). A large number of thick alum flowers are blocked by the inclined tube (plate) wall and deposited at the bottom of the tank. The upper water is clear water. The remaining alum flowers with small particle size and small density are slowly falling while continuing to collide with each other, The residual turbidity is basically unchanged in the later stage. The beaker test should be stirred slowly at 20-30 rpm for 5 minutes, and then settled for 10 minutes to measure the residual turbidity.

Intensified filtration is mainly to reasonably select the filter layer structure and filter aid to improve the removal rate of the filter. It is an important measure to improve water quality.

This product is applied to the treatment of environmental protection and industrial waste water. The use method is basically the same as that of the water plant. It has a good effect on the treatment of raw water with high chroma, high COD and BOD, supplemented by additives.

For enterprises adopting chemical coagulation method, the original equipment does not need to be greatly modified, and only needs to add alum dissolving tank to use this product.

This product must be stored in a dry, moisture-proof and heat-proof place (< 80oC, do not damage the package, the product can be stored for a long time).

This product must be dissolved before use. Dissolution equipment and dosing facilities should be made of corrosion-resistant materials.

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