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What is polyaluminium ferric chloride

Feb. 15, 2023

Polyaluminium ferric chloride is an inorganic polymer coagulant developed on the basis of the coagulation and hydrolysis mechanism of aluminum and iron salts. According to the principle of synergy, it is a new type of high-efficiency coagulant prepared by adding simple iron ions or ferric oxide and other iron-containing compounds. It combines the advantages of aluminum salt and iron salt, improves the morphology of aluminum ion and iron ion, and greatly improves the degree of polymerization. The advantages of aluminum and iron coagulants for air flotation operation are to improve the coagulation performance of polyaluminum chloride; The purification treatment effect of high turbidity water and low temperature and low turbidity water is particularly obvious, and it is not necessary to add alkaline additives or other coagulant aids.

What is polyaluminium ferric chloride

Appearance: the liquid product is brown or reddish-brown transparent without sediment; Solid products are brownish, reddish brown powder or crystalline, and are very soluble in water.

It can be used for domestic drinking water, industrial water, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage treatment.

Features: The purification effect of high turbidity is particularly obvious; No alkaline additives can be added, the range of suitable water quality is wide, the alum formation is fast and large, the quality is dense, easy to settle, and the safety of water purification is high; Low corrosivity and low labor intensity of workers.

Usage: 10-15% water solution is prepared for liquid products, and 5-10% water solution is prepared for solid products (calculated by weight). In order to achieve the flocculation effect and economic benefits, users can deploy the concentration of reagents according to different water quality, different seasons and different pool shapes, and determine the dosage through experiments.

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