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What issues need to be paid attention to when using polyacrylamide

Jul. 05, 2024

What issues need to be paid attention to when using polyacrylamide

When utilizing polyacrylamide (PAM) from TAIRAN CHEMICAL, several key considerations ensure safe and effective application:

  1. Precise Dosage: Accurate dosing is crucial for achieving desired treatment outcomes while avoiding wastage or environmental impact.

  2. Safe Handling: PAM should be handled with care to prevent skin contact or inhalation. Proper storage in a cool, dry place away from sunlight maintains its integrity.

  3. Effective Dilution: Whether in liquid or powder form, PAM requires proper dilution with water to ensure uniform dispersion and maximize its effectiveness.

  4. pH Management: PAM performance is pH-sensitive; monitoring and adjusting the pH of solutions optimize treatment efficiency.

  5. Environmental Responsibility: Adhere to regulations for PAM use and disposal to mitigate environmental impact.

  6. Compatibility Checks: Ensure PAM compatibility with other chemicals used in treatment processes to avoid adverse reactions.

  7. Application Techniques: Choose suitable methods (batch, continuous) ensuring thorough mixing and distribution for optimal results.

  8. Monitoring and Adjustments: Regularly assess treatment efficacy and water quality to fine-tune PAM application for consistent performance.

By observing these practices, TAIRAN CHEMICAL ensures PAM enhances operations effectively and responsibly across various applications.

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