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where to buy polyacrylamide

Feb. 23, 2024

The production of polyacrylamide in China began in the 1960s, with the first set of polyacrylamide production facilities established at Shanghai Tianyuan Chemical Factory. The production focused on water-soluble polyacrylamide products. With the rise of environmental governance and tertiary oil recovery, the domestic demand for polyacrylamide has steadily increased. This led to a rapid development phase in the polyacrylamide industry, with numerous manufacturers emerging.


Well-known manufacturers include France's SNF Floerger with a factory in Jiangsu, Germany's BASF with facilities in China, and domestic companies like Anhui Tianrun. Due to factors such as production costs, business development directions, and formulation limitations, these manufacturers offer relatively specialized products, each with its own advantages and limitations. The industry landscape is characterized by intense competition, diverse strengths, and weaknesses. No single manufacturer dominates all product segments, making it essential to assess individual needs and preferences.


The effectiveness of polyacrylamide is less dependent on the manufacturer's reputation than on proper selection and compatibility. The choice of product should align with the nature of wastewater or sludge, determined through practical tests such as beaker experiments. Therefore, the critical consideration when choosing a supplier is the ability to provide suitable formulations rather than brand recognition.

where to buy polyacrylamide

TAIRAN CHEMICAL, as a globally recognized brand for stable polyacrylamide quality, has developed over a decade. Our strengths lie in:
  1. Comprehensive Quality Control: We maintain quality stability by overseeing the entire process, from formula development and raw material control to process supervision and dual-supervision testing of finished products. We have consistently won the Best Quality Stability Award from the National Association of Functional Polymers for many years.

  2. Diverse Product Offerings: Serving various industries, we collaborate closely with universities and research institutions to develop over 100 product types tailored to meet specific customer needs. This extensive range allows for precise selection, reducing decision-making time, and optimizing dosage for enhanced performance.

Our commitment to one-stop supervision and a broad product range positions us as a reliable partner for those seeking stable polyacrylamide solutions.

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